  • We endeavor to grow our roses in a totally environmentally sustainable manner.
  • We aim to maximize the vase life of all our roses, by following the advancing agricultural practices and consistently improving all our processes, while practicing good environmental and social governance throughout.
  • Our company operates using the Kaizen principles – a system which aims at promoting employee involvement at all operational levels, in order to achieve the company’s goals and objectives and also encourages operational excellence throughout the company.
  • Our journey is termed TUKUZA, through which we have created a working environment where ‘communication’ is the fundamental basis, flowing from the management team down to the work force and vice versa. This system allows for continuous improvement by identifying problems as early as possible, with all staff participating in resolving the problem.
  • TUKUZA signifies a Kiswahili phrase – TUnaweza KUboresha ZAidi, which in English translates to: “We can always make it better”. This system allows employees to share in the company problems and actively participate in solving them, knowing that their opinions and ideas matter and are considered within the Mission and Vision of the Farm.
  • We are proud members of the Kenya Flower Council and currently have the following certification: KFC Silver and Global GAP.
RVR efforts to going Green

1) Rift Valley Roses has installed a 75KW solar power generation unit in March 2019 powering up to 85% of it’s day time electricity power needs.

2) In efforts to minimize use of wood fuel and other non renewable energy sources, in the last quarter of 2018, the farm installed 4 units of Biogas digesters for use as source of fuel in the staff canteen. The units use kitchen waste to generate cooking gas. The company runs a canteen that provides subsidized meals to its staff.

3) The farm has an elaborate concrete lined drainages connected to greenhouse rain water gutter collectors.  In 2018/2019 the farm put up additional rain water collection dams to reduce reliance on boreholes for its water needs.